First Hispanic Baptist Church
A place to grow in God's grace
Our beliefs

We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, is the verbally inspired Word of God.
God the father
We believe that God the Father is the creator (with God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) of all things, he is almighty, omnipresent and omniscient. He has no beginning and no end, He is perfectly holy, He is great in grace and mercy, He loves man supremely, and eternally saves all who approach Him in faith.
Jesus Christ
We believe that God the Son, Jesus Christ, was with the Father from the beginning and is equal to God. He willingly humbled himself to be born of a virgin (God in the flesh) and was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit. He was totally sinless in His life and was always obedient to the Father. He made a vicarious atonement for our sins by dying on Calvary, was buried, and rose victorious over sin and the grave. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Throne of God and is interceding for the saved. He has promised to return for His people and we believe that His return could occur at any moment.
Holy Spirit
We believe that God the Holy Spirit is equal to the Father and the Son. He was sent by the Son as another Comforter and is in the world to rebuke the world of sin, justice, and the coming judgment. Regenerate all who put their faith in Christ as Savior. He dwells in believers, guides and teaches them in the truth of God's Word and enables them to live for Christ.
We believe that man was created by God and in the image of God. But man, by an act of willful disobedience, plunged himself and the entire human race into sin. Man is totally depraved and dead in trespasses and sins. He is a sinner both by nature and by choice and must have a spiritual birth to be saved. If a man dies unsaved (spiritually born again), he is eternally separated from God and forever tormented in the lake of fire.
We believe in a personal devil who was created perfect by God and remained so until iniquity was found in him. Pride caused him to rebel against God and he was expelled from heaven. Now he rules as prince of the power of the air and over the kingdoms of this world. He played a decisive role in the fall of man and today he presents himself as an angel of light. He goes like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He hates Christ and does everything in his power to oppose the Lord's work. God has already judged him and he will finally be confined to hell for eternity.
We believe that salvation is only in Jesus Christ. It is freely offered to all and can be obtained by repenting of sin and receiving Christ as Savior by faith. Salvation is solely by the grace of God and is not deserved by works. It results in God's forgiveness of all our sins and is made possible by the blood of Christ willingly shed on the cross for us. Salvation imparts eternal life and can never be lost again.
The heaven and the hell
We believe that heaven and hell are literal places prepared by God. All men will reside in one of the two for all eternity. Heaven is the dwelling place created by Christ for His bride where all the saved will dwell with God. Those who have rejected Jesus Christ will spend eternity in the lake of fire with the devil, the antichrist, and the false prophet eternally separated from God.
We believe that the institution of the church was personally initiated by the Lord Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. The church that Christ formed was both local and visible. We reject the concept of a universal and invisible church and believe that it undermines the authority of the local churches and is not biblical. The church should be made up of born-again believers who have been baptized according to the scriptures and who are organized to carry out the Lord's work. The church is the pillar and bulwark of truth.